Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ganick's metaplasms

-Just reposting a part of Peter Ganick's recent March 2, 2014 four-letter metaplasms from :

fnof nfiw nfwo ofwi nofa ngei sinf nfix vlis vnid nive engi naos neil snna nieo nfue nisk kdsk deks fldo nosd noak ials kirs alks ilki eads glim niek nals innt nisl nlak unde ikls nfie nais alsi ngee gtuu snuf tirt akls fgro lipr ossl nspk slkd ikls sfdd nskl kfsd sdki sfda ipsf aior wirg priw fisl rwip gilk nslk jikl idkf lskr sdkl ilsk jsid nilk snif lfoo llea niei ilsd feof dlks sdlk slkd sdil nlsdi oeuu onur mmis lsid nois lsid oiko nosf sdkl lskf lsfk sklk islk sidl jips pkls sdkf fdsl ikdr fskl lffs sfol lsfi...

-A lot can be said depending on one's declinations, but I myself would stay on the minimum side, which, again, is subject to interpretation. Anyway, just to make it more interesting following the post-language bias of this blog, allow me to cite another post- from Ganick from the same URL on Feb. 24, 2014:

new work.............................................

part fifty-three.


densest threefold trepidation ininin taunt relay occasion genetic ursatz eloge standpoint triplicated surmise dgga genie acss enos feint gadfly outring seimp asutt lotto islet jointed discourde oliphant nibblet ansonic edenslauf möebius trandiose tremulous exactitude fremd gego hurdle ampphitheathrre litera slough connive emptor sip zot narrow lacu sitten reconvista mercifuls emptor wave rawhide surplus evaluator non nearly echt tisne als ninet imiatrinbe
ontolocyst gonrrredle anemiac luge aeloinian zettel.

thou noeaso nfeou ngeie alsil nur anoas iititiesa.

geen solfeggisto preamble otherwave collapse.

dictatorial plateau mollify edifice aologirithm.

cadging current mise en scene soluble treadmill oeeans.

iota los empirical flooast mirror caisson tentative.

weigh august sole reptilar congerie sift edam.

mbobilitize emplot feisty garage xmidi crenulate ogre totem juttys foible accurate elliptic vanishing persist lisperado gnossienne eggo itierate sloka veranda mend illbient corrective loathe commonality presume lief gadflower echo tarry moitie avail snowfall return irascible florin acip hiccup thrieadtens efectual moins quatorze eleganza mortising edicts mellow frame callipse vertigo laser battlelflorida introtuctor which rears up.

-The collision between recognizable word and metaplasmic compound appears like the clashing of two opposing armies, but in fact illustrates a core semiotic dynamo, like the one churning way below the Earth's mantle.

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