Monday, November 2, 2015

The sonic continuum

The sonic continuum, spliced into a syllabicated universe.

The sound continuum before sense.

Pursch's texts, an example that recreates this continuum by making us hear it as if it were a foreign language whose phonic/morphemic divisions are unknown to us. It becomes a pure stream of sounds.

Composition in this Noise, in the pre-word.

The non-word is the unheard part of this continuum, just like in a Gestalt picture we don't see both figures: rabbit or old woman, optical illusion.

Perception is selective. A sign is a selected entity, carved out or abstracted from a continuum, from a spectrum, just like the way the colors get divided by different languages. Mass nouns and count nouns.

In some of Pursch and Beamer's work, a previous text is is transformed to make the continuum resonate, making us hear the other sounds or read the other particles of the same field of language. The Virtual and the Actual regain the ability to exchange places.

Where does language end anyway to begin?

This continuum is the virtual field of Noise, not the opposite of any sign or information, but what is simply not selected. When the selected and unselected start again to trade places back and forth, the boundaries are redrawn, the Asemic resurges as a fleeting, uncodifiable difference.

Here or there where the codes break apart, the boundaries swerve and reshuffle.

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